Craig McCloskey

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I was HYPNOTIZED and danced like Magic Mike

Don't have time to read this short inspirational story? Listen to my audio recording here --> i was hypnotized and danced like magic mike.mp3

Have you ever been hypnotized before? It’s a weird experience, let me tell you!

It was my sophomore year of college and during welcome week we had so many fun events and games for everyone to play before classes started. One of the events was a popular hypnotist/comedian.

In a room of a few hundred people I was sitting near the front when he asked for ten volunteers to come up on stage. And since I’m not shy in public, my hand shot straight up and wouldn’t you know it, I got picked to go up on stage.

We all took our seats and he began cracking jokes for the rest of the audience. I can remember looking out over the crowd just thinking to myself, “This night is going to end badly.” Lol

The hypnotist started doing the typical waving a watch in front of our eyes and telling us to focus on our breathing to become more and more relaxed.

The last thing I remember is looking at the clock and it said 8:10 P.M.

And with what seemed like a quick power nap, and what felt like a blink of an eye, I awoke to cheers, clapping, a standing ovation, and a lot of laughter. I thought to myself at this point, “it’s only been like 5 seconds? Why are they clapping already…”

Well I looked up at the clock and it was now 9:50 P.M.!!!!


What the hell did I do in the past hour and a half and why was everyone in the crowd going crazy? I was so confused.

Everyone was coming up to me after saying how hilarious I was and asking if I remembered anything. I was beyond confused and just going along with them glad I didn’t do anything too embarrassing.

Except, I did…

I still have videos to this day of so many embarrassing moments. One of them being Magic Mike and poll dancing. I even did the whole “grind on me” scene where I jumped in the air and seductively started air humping the floor…

Let me just say, it was far from seductive…

Another weird moment I was, for some reason, milking a cow named Craig Jr...?

And another video showed me dancing to Beyonce’s song “Single Ladies”.

Probably the most awkward part about that dance was I actually knew the entire choreography...

I had recently performed at a talent show with my friends and we memorized the entire dance routine to her song, so everyone in the crowd was surprised and shocked I knew how to do that dance. You could hear the roar from the audience in the video!

Watching that video after it happened, I realized that was the moment I should never become a professional dancer, smh.

After all of these experiences, I am now easily a firm believer in the power of hypnotism. Crazy right?

And the more I reflect back on that memory, I really started to think about some things.

The first thing I realized is that I am way more embarrassing than I ever thought I was. But I’ve come to accept the fact that “If you’re not weird, you’re weird.” Am I right?

That just gives me the freedom to be myself and live my life how I want to live it, and I’ve been a lot happier ever since!

The second, and more important, thing I started to realize was that sometimes we tend to live our lives like we are hypnotized a lot of the time.

How many times do we do things and don’t even realize we are doing them? We aren’t always conscious in the present moment and tend to just live our lives out of habit and routine, haphazardly strolling about our day.

I don’t know about you but this isn’t how I want to live my life. It might be cool for an hour or two, but after awhile I’d kind of like to be in control of what I’m doing. I’ve been blacked out drunk one too many times to know that I’m not a fan of not being in control of my actions.

So how do we break out of the hypnotic state and start taking control of our lives? It first comes with awareness and the realization of what we are doing.

We eat the same lunch, get the same sugar-filled coffee, prepare the same meals, buy the same groceries, and do the same workouts simply because it’s what we are used to. It’s what we’ve always done and doing anything else would require leaving our comfort zone (breaking our hypnotic state) and trying something new that, by default, scares us.

But I’m here to tell you that life is hard for two reasons:

You chose to stay in your comfort zone, or you decided to leave it.

That’s it.

So my message to you is this:

Start to become more conscious about your decisions. Choose to do something different that scares you. Break free from the same old habits and start to build healthier, more consistent routines that are going to get you closer to where you want to be.

It’s been said that we first make our habits, then our habits make us. We have the power to control our lives just by simply choosing to wake up and become aware of our actions.