Craig McCloskey

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How To Nourish Your Body While Traveling

Bethany and I love traveling. It’s one of our biggest passions in life. We live to travel the world, explore new places, and see the beauty that nature has all around us.

If you’ve been following us more recently, we are about to embark on a cross country roadtrip across the entire continental US - just living in our van with our pup, Koda.

Are we excited? Hell yes! Are we nervous? Hell yes! Are we prepared? Uhhh…

Actually we are pretty prepared. We completely renovated our van and Bethany went on a major Amazon shopping spree making sure we had everything we needed for the four month excursion.

Throughout this past year prepping for our trip we have received so many questions from our friends and family…

“Do you think you’ll get annoyed with each other?”

“What are you going to do for showers?”

“How is Koda going to be in the van for the trip?” (side note: he does not drive well, so this should be an adventure lol)

“How are you going to go...ya know... poop?” *Let’s just say there are no secrets in our relationship anymore, smh.

Maybe most often we get the question - “How are you going to eat? What are you going to eat?”

This is something as health enthusiasts we make a priority to source out high quality food when we travel anywhere.

Now that we are taking on a different adventure, living in a van and finding high quality food will be a little bit more challenging. But I love a good challenge.

There are many different things we plan on doing such as:

  • Googling ahead of time to find “health restaurants near us” and “Whole Foods near us”

  • Stocking up on as many high quality plants and sustainably raised meats as possible

  • Prioritizing and mastering how to make morning coffee on an open fire in nature (or a Wal-Mart parking lot if needed lol)

  • Stocking up on many well-trusted bars, nuts, and other snacks that don’t easily spoil, but also aren’t filled with preservatives and synthetic ingredients.

Since we both do intermittent fasting, we plan to do our morning coffee with no food, find a nice coffee shop for lunch if needed (or snack on a good quality bar), and make dinner with our little grill whenever we find our camping spot for the evening.

We have a mini Yeti cooler that we will store our perishables in so we can keep a good amount of plants and animal foods on hand during our trip.

One thing that I learned throughout our years of traveling together is that it’s important to always keep good quality, healthy snacks on hand when traveling, however.

It can mean the difference in being hangry (usually Bethany is the hangry one) and resorting to eating at a suboptimal restaurant, or not.

Here is what we travel with most often when we leave the country or just to a neighboring city:

If you see me on the road you can bet I will have all these things on hand. I have traveled with most of these things for 6-7 years and they have always kept me nourished and feeling great!

If you do any type of traveling or just want to experience the benefits that these foods provide on a daily basis, I highly recommend trying these products out.

One thing that has really kept me going during our travels (and one that I’ve seen immediate results from) are collagen protein bars. Not just the bars, but collagen in general.

When I first heard about collagen it was about 5-6 years ago. So I started to make my own bone broth from scratch and immediately noticed results. Things like:

  • My hair grew faster

  • My nails grew longer and quicker (even though I would bite them lol)

  • My skin got drastically better

  • My bloating and gas went away

  • I just felt more energized

There are many different ways I recommend to get in collagen, and I will definitely prioritize during this trip because I love the way it makes me feel. But one of the ways I really like to get it in is mixing a collagen protein powder in my smoothie or coffee, and by eating a collagen bar.

When it comes to choosing a protein bar, you need to be careful, however. Many protein bars on the market contain conventional whey that can cause digestive issues, rather than help, as well as many other synthetic ingredients and flavors that don’t help the body in any way.

When it comes to buying food and supplements, I’m a huge fan of choosing to vote with my dollar and invest in companies that are doing the right thing and actually care about the consumers’ health - not hurt it.

That’s why I absolutely love Perfect Keto and the quality of care they bring to each one of their products. From their keto bars to their nootropics, every product is made to improve health, not hurt it.

And they graciously offered to hook all my followers up with a 15% off discount code off your first order. Just use code ‘CRAIG’ at checkout for 15% off all your entire first order.

For more on us and our journey, be sure to follow me on Instagram and for more 1:1 coaching, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™!