Craig McCloskey

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Why Making Life Simpler and Learning LESS Is The Answer To Your Health Problems

"We are filled with so much information we can no longer tell what the truth is anymore."

The Hadza, as I refer to often, are some of the last hunter-gatherer humans on this planet. In every article, textbook, movie, and study you can find they are often cited as the epitome of human health.

They don't suffer chronic disease and live well into their 70s and 80s.

But what's their secret? If you and I are so far advanced with our culture and way of life, why are we not the ones with amazing health? Why aren't they the ones who suffer from neurodegenerative conditions, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune issues, and obesity?

We live in the best, most advanced countries in the world with access to the best healthcare in human history and any piece of information we could ever want, yet we are currently the sickest species (self-inflicted) ever to walk this planet.


The more I meditate on this, the more I arrive at this conclusion...

We think the answers to our health issues lie in learning more and more.

We think the answers to our problems lie in reading a lot of books. We think the answers to our problems are inventing the next newest drug or machine. We think these are the answers to our health problems and the solution to that is to constantly seek out more information and learn more stuff.

But I think that's the problem, don't you?

The answers we seek don't lie in textbooks, college courses, the internet, or even my online programs.

The answers lie in simplicity.

It always has and always will.

The more we learn, the harder it gets to tell what the truth is.

We can find a study to support any angle of health we want - from vegan to carnivore, we can (and will) argue about this information for generations to come.

But the answers are not in the latest study or anywhere on the internet.

The answers have been in front of you this entire time. In fact, the truth is inside of you.


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Life for the Hadza is simple.

They don't know what vitamins and minerals are. They have no idea what a probiotic is. They don't need to take supplements.

They're illiterate. They can't read books about health even if they wanted to.

They can't access blogs online to learn about the health benefits of certain foods.

They've never heard the word autophagy, listened to a podcast, or wore a wearable device to track their steps.

Unlike the Hadza, you and I are faced with information overload that it complicates life for us. We know too much.

We can see what's happening in another country at the push of a button. We can mindlessly scroll on social media and compare ourselves to thousands of people in the same day.

We see new foods and companies being created every year and think "yes, this is the answer!"

We see a new superfood ad pop up on the newly invented internet and think it's the solution we need to reduce inflammation.

You and I have access to any piece of data ever. EVER. Yet, I remind you again that we keep getting more unhealthy. If we have all the information, then shouldn't we ask the question - is access to too much information the problem?

The answers you're seeking will never be found outside of yourself. The answers always lie within.

If you're struggling with a health problem, the solution is not more information.

The solution is less.

Do you really need to learn the biochemistry of vitamins and minerals? Or do you just need to remember what it's like to eat real food in your environment?

Do you really need to understand the ins and outs of probiotics? Or do you just need to trust and get dirty in the right ways?

Do you really need to read the latest health book? Or do you need to act on the information you already have?

Do you really need to keep bombarding your brain with a lot of stuff? Or do you just need to make life simpler?

I believe that making life more simple and reducing your information input is the only way we will learn the truth.