Craig McCloskey

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Science Shows Antibiotics Can Cause Autoimmune Disease

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Science Shows Antibiotics Can Cause Autoimmune Disease Craig McCloskey

Here’s What You Will Learn Inside This Trailer:

Antibiotics can absolutely be life-saving in acute, traumatic instances. However, in our society today we are very commonly, haphazardly prescribed very powerful drugs as the “go-to” treatment method when health problems arise.

This is dangerous and as the science shows many pharmaceuticals drugs (including antibiotics) have been directly shown to contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Nearly 100 pharmaceutical drugs have been linked to the development of lupus.

Antibiotics have been directly shown in a case-controlled study to be associated with the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Researchers concluded their study by saying, “Antibiotic prescriptions are associated with a higher risk of RA. This may be due to microbiota disturbances or underlying infections driving risk.”

If you are anyone who has been on several rounds of antibiotics over the course of your lifetime, it is not too late for you, however.

You can always start to take control of your health - today!

To find out how, tune in to this short preview video and be sure to send this out to someone who you feel could use this info and leave a comment below.

If you find value in this information, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™!

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