Craig McCloskey

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Balance Training Can Improve the Function of Your Brain

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Balance Training can Improve the Function of Your Brain Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Something that has been nearly bred out of our culture within the past 100 years is walking on uneven surfaces thanks to the invention of paved roads and more even surfaces.

While these things absolutely come with their benefits and are needed for certain lifestyle factors, it is very ancestrally inconsistent and science is showing that this inability to walk on uneven surfaces is leading to some massive problems with our health.

According to a 2017 study published in The Journal Scientific Reports, researchers found that balance training improves memory and spacial cognition in healthy adults (1).

One of the best (and maybe most unorthodox) things you can do to help the health of your brain is to do more balance training and begin walking on uneven surfaces.

If you are someone who is elderly and/or having trouble staying upright on even surfaces, I would recommend working with a doctor of physical therapy or personal trainer that can help you do what is best for you.

But regardless, moving more, especially on uneven surfaces, can dramatically improve the health of your brain.

The age old saying is true, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.”

And when it comes to balance training, it has profound downstream side effects that we are just beginning to discover.

To learn more and receive coaching by myself, head on over and sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ or enroll in the next round of The Ultimate Wellness Academy™.

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