Craig McCloskey

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Episode 003: Why Seed Oils Wreck Your Metabolism & How To Improve Energy Naturally

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Why Seed Oils Wreck Your Metabolism & How To Improve Energy Naturally Craig McCloskey

In my previous episode, I broke down what your metabolism is and why it functions best with metabolic flexibility. In this second part, I give you the how.

It’s no secret that a majority of our people want (and need!) to burn more body fat today. Inside this episode, I break down the complex how into a relatively simple process.

You will learn how (and when) to use both sugar and fat as fuel. The pros and cons of fueling with carbohydrates and when to go into a ketogenic state. But not only that, you will learn why consuming vegetable (aka, seed) oils are the culprit behind insulin resistance, weight gain, and modern-day chronic disease.

If there’s one thing you take away from this episode, it should be to remove all sources of seed oils from your diet. They’re sneaky and nearly impossible to eliminate entirely. So buckle up and hold on tight, because we’re about to take a journey to uncharted territory. Tune in now!

In this episode you will learn:

  • How human evolution played a role in our health

  • How to achieve metabolic flexibility to burn fat (this is crucial!)

  • The pros and cons of using sugar as fuel

  • The pros and cons of using fat/ketones as fuel

  • The problem with overconsuming protein

  • The best and worst fats to eat for energy and overall health

  • Why vegetable oils are horrible for mitochondrial energy (this will shock you!)

  • The different types of dietary fats

  • How to fuel your mitochondria with healthy fats

  • Why eating high fat and high carb together is horrible for weight loss

Grab More Of Craig’s Favorite Resources To Take Your Health To The Next Level

  • TrueDark — Block out the blue light tonight!

  • Four Sigmatic — Use the coupon code ‘CRAIG’ to save big on every order

  • Primal Kitchen — Use the coupon code ‘CRAIG10’ to save 10% off everything

  • AquaTru — Get $100 off your AquaTru countertop reverse osmosis machine

  • Melissani — Save 10% using code ‘CRAIG’ at checkout

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