Craig McCloskey

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Episode 001: How To Burn Fat & Keep It Off Using Science-Based Tools

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How To Burn Fat & Keep It Off Using Science-Based Tools Craig McCloskey

Our society needs answers. No gimmicks, quick fixes, or fad diets. Our people need real-life, tangible solutions that are rooted in science.

Over half our population is either overweight or obese. It’s clear something is wrong in our culture that’s causing this issue. Mainstream media would have us believe that it’s our fault. We are just eating too much and not moving enough.

While this is part of it, it isn’t at the issue's root. Far from it, actually. Yet, the mainstream messaging has us brainwashed to believe that the “calories in, calories out” approach is what will help us achieve a healthy weight. But I don’t believe this is the right mindset to have. We need to dig deeper by addressing the quality of our diet.

Because when we fix the quality of our diet, we will gain health in the process of burning fat. Fat loss will just be one side effect of the person you become in the process of gaining health. If you want to find the root cause of why we store body fat, how fat itself actually works, and the best (and worst) foods to eat, the tune in to this episode below!

Inside This Episode You’ll Discover:

  • How body fat functions and acts like an organ

  • Why we need a certain amount of body fat

  • The healthy percent body fat men and women should have

  • Why our body fat percentage should fluctuate throughout the time of the year

  • The importance of eating seasonally

  • Why having a fast and slow metabolism is a myth

  • The different types of body fat we have

  • Why eating less and exercising more is flawed

  • A surprising study performed on The Biggest Loser contestants (this will shock you!)

  • Why relying on willpower will fail you in the end

  • The ONE hormone that needs to be stable in order for you to burn body fat

  • Why having a proper balance of feast and famine is so crucial to be able to burn body fat

  • Why I love wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for fat loss and health goals

  • Why I’m not a fan of marketed “100-calorie snack packs”

  • Why it’s normal for your cholesterol markers to go up when you’re burning body fat

  • The best food(s) to break your fast with for more fat burning

  • How vegetable oils inhibit you from burning body fat

Grab More Of Craig’s Favorite Resources To Take Your Health To The Next Level

  • TrueDark — Block out the blue light tonight!

  • Four Sigmatic — Use the coupon code ‘CRAIG’ to save big on every order

  • Primal Kitchen — Use the coupon code ‘CRAIG10’ to save 10% off everything

  • AquaTru — Get $100 off your AquaTru countertop reverse osmosis machine

  • Melissani — Save 10% using code ‘CRAIG’ at checkout

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