Craig McCloskey

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Is Eating More Fiber Causing Your Gas And Bloating?

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Is Eating More Fiber Causing Your Gas And Bloating? Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

The mainstream narrative is that the more fiber we eat, the better. But is it really? Is it appropriate for everyone?

When it comes to this discussion we have to look at many different factors - most of which would be impossible to cover in this short blog and video. If you want more of the full discussion, be sure to check out my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ where I have a masterclass lesson finishing this topic.

Often it’s a black and white discussion - either you eat a plant-based diet with lot of fiber, or you eat some version of the Standard American Diet that lacks in fiber.

But my questions is:

Is there another way of eating that isn’t the Standard American Diet, that meets all of your nutritional needs, that doesn’t have a lot of fiber?


People assume you need a lot of fiber to, well, keep these moving along. But this isn’t the case.

You actually do not need fiber to poop well.

When individuals who claim to report constipation or diarrhea from not eating enough fiber, it’s always in the context of shoving more “food stuff” in their body, usually in some processed form or fashion.

But, when you look at individuals eating an animal-based diet as close to nature has provided, you don’t see it in the evidence.

Now, that is not to say that fiber can’t be beneficial. It serves a purpose and it serves certain needs. There’s many different types of fibers and they all serve certain purposes. But we all have a certain fiber tolerance. And finding your fiber tolerance is important.

Especially if you are someone out there with digestive issues (particularly IBD or IBS) and you haven’t found relief, consuming less fiber may benefit you.

That is, however, only in the context of avoiding all the modern day luxuries we have in our environment today.

The man-made foods, processed ingredients, alcohol, chemicals, added sugars, vegetable oils, and so much more.

Inside my latest program you will receive a cookbook, grocery guide, and checklist of all the appropriate foods my clients have seen amazing improvements from.

Be sure to check out the short 5-minute video clip below, share this out with someone who you feel needs to hear this message, and leave me a comment below if you like this content!

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