Craig McCloskey

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Is Your Environment Promoting Health or Disease?

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Is Your Environment Promoting Health Or Disease? Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

The environment we live in will determine everything about our health. Yes, it is true that we are products of our environment.

But it is even more true that we are creators of our environment.

Inside this brief video I use the rise in dementia and Alzheimer’s as an example to show that our new environment that our human biology has been born into is the sole reason we are seeing rates of disease sky-rocket.

The new foods we are eating, the types of stress we are experiencing, the lack of high-quality sleep, the overworked lives, the toxin load, the low-quality air, and lack of in person connection all are to blame for our epidemic rates of chronic disease.

We must first become conscious of this and then after the initial shock wears off, we must become the creators we can be and seek to change our environment one choice at a time.

Check out the brief video below and if you like this content, leave me a review below and be sure to check out some of my popular programs! Take on my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ and if you’re looking for direct coaching by me, check out some of my advanced online courses!

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