Craig McCloskey

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High-Quality Science Doesn't Show Red Meat Causes Health Problems

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High-Quality Science Doesn't Show Red Meat Causes Health Problems Craig McCloskey

Inside This Trailer You Will Learn:

Nothing has become more vilified than red meat, saturated fat, and virtually all animal products altogether.

But is it justified?

Inside this brief video I walk you through in the most basic way possible how to understand nutrition science - because not all science is created equal.

There are many different types of study designs and some have more weight than others. So the next time you pick up a book about nutrition and a sentence says “red meat is linked with cancer and heart disease”, you can understand how to actually interpret that study (if you choose to look it up), and know that “association will never equal causation”.

All of the science that supports that animal products are bad for human health are entirely 1. epidemiological studies that show an association with animal products and worse health outcomes, 2. animal studies, or 3. in vitro studies (cell culture).

Yet, there is not one single randomized controlled trial (experimental study) showing a direct causation that eating animal products causes disease in humans.

So I ask the question - is it the animal products that humans have eaten for our entire hominid lineage that is bad for us? Or is it the context in which meat is so often eaten in today’s new environment that is the real problem?

Now when meat is eaten, it’s usually in the form of a feedlot cow and is eaten with industrially processed grain and seed oils, processed grains, sugar, alcohol, lack of movement, smoking, highly stressed lives, overworked and inadequate amounts of sleep, and more man-made foods than ever in recorded history.

However, what if an individual were to eat a sufficient amount of meat, but was also prioritizing high quality sleep, purpose, relationships, movement, managing their stress healthfully, avoiding man-made toxic food-like products, doesn’t smoke, and lives their lives in such a way that any animal should to produce good health?

Would animal products then be bad for human health? The data supports this viewpoint.

And to avoid animal products altogether because one believes it is harmful poses serious risk of becoming undernourished and very nutrient deficient. This video explains more.

This trailer is a brief excerpt from my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ where I walk individuals through 12 hours of video lessons to help them understand the most common trigger foods for autoimmunity, the best foods to eat for autoimmunity, and how to overcome their symptoms.

Be sure to tune in and listen to this video, leave me a comment below, and sign up for the Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™!

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