Craig McCloskey

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Science Shows Obesity is Strongly Linked To Dementia

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Science Shows Obesity is Strongly Linked to Dementia Craig McCloskey

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Let me be perfectly clear - just because someone may be overweight or obese does not guarantee they will develop dementia. It just drastically increases your likelihood of developing it, according to the science.

Inside a recent 2020 study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology researchers studied 6582 participants from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) who were aged ≥50 years and were dementia-free at baseline (1).

Over the span of a 15 year follow up, when researchers compared the participants with normal weight against those who were obese at baseline they found the individuals who were obese had an elevated risk of dementia incidence. Women with central obesity had a 39% greater risk of dementia compared with non-central obese women.

These results were also independent of sex, baseline age, apolipoprotein E-ε4 (APOE-ε4), education, physical activity, smoking and marital status.

Which means, it didn’t matter what their sex was, if they were a smoker, how much they exercised, or even if they had the APOE-ε4 gene (which is a gene associated with Alzheimer’s disease, they still developed dementia just based off their body fat status.

The researchers also noted that “the relationship [between dementia and obesity] were slightly accentuated after additionally controlling for hypertension and diabetes.” Meaning that if the individual was obese AND had hypertension or diabetes, their risk went up even further.

Concluding the authors said, “Our results suggest that having an increased body weight or abdominal obesity are associated with increased dementia incidence.”

There’s several things I’d like to point out with this study as I alluded to in the beginning of this article.

The first is that this is a longitudinal, epidemiological designed study. It cannot prove cause and effect. It cannot show a causal relationship that obesity causes dementia. It simply shows a strong relationship between the two.

However, there have been several experimental studies showing a possible causal role between excess body fat and neurodegenerative conditions (2, 3, 4).

I like to ask the most fundamental questions to receive fundamental answers. Why is this? Why would obesity be linked to the development of dementia?

Alzheimer’s disease, in particular, has been increasing known as Type III Diabetes (5).

The research is abundantly clear that the abnormalities identified in the brain are quite similar to the effects of Type I Diabetes Mellitus or Type II Diabetes Mellitus (6, 7, 8, 9).

But what caused this? And what can be done about it?

Unfortunately, once the progression of a neurodegenerative condition has progressed so far, research is limited on the ability to improve or reverse the symptoms. However, that does not mean we should downplay the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition, movement, and sleep are the most fundamental pillars that go into creating a living thing’s body and directly determine the outcome of overall health.

The problem we have currently is that these are not taken into account (or when they are the recommendations are flat out wrong) for management of chronic disease.

I’ve visited loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes only to watch them be fed high-sugar foods, loads of processed vegetable oils, and other low-quality fats that are void of any real nutrition. Sure they are getting in calories, but the quality of those calories are as low as they come to nourishing a breathing, living human body.

In regards to brain health, the types of fats we consume are of the utmost importance. And a majority of our fats as humans come from man-made industrially processed grain and seed oils that have only been recently invented. Not only do these oils wreak havoc on cholesterol and inflammation levels, but they are also important for creating the structure of cells and the overall structure of the brain.

And when individuals have been literally creating their body out of these fats for decades, there will absolutely be consequences.

To learn how to properly eat a human diet and live a high quality life, check out my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ and be sure to share this article out with someone you feel needs to hear it most.

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