Craig McCloskey

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These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

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These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

We have forgotten the basics of what it means to be a healthy human...⁣

Before we know what it means to be healthy, we first have to come to understand and accept the fact that as a living being on this planet, our biology expects us to be healthy. It’s not normal to live a life of disease.⁣

Any other species living in its original environment has health automatically without trying. But why does the human race have to TRY?⁣

Part of it comes down to the fact that we have drastically lowered our standards of what true health really is. We think if we don’t have a chronic health condition then we are healthy.⁣

We have come to accept these little daily annoyances like headaches, aches, pains, digestive issues, forgetfulness, fatigue, thinning hair, irregular bowel movements, and seasonal colds as NORMAL.

But these are FAR from normal. And these are the little things that lead to the bigger health conditions we will eventually develop later in life.

Science has shown that Alzheimer’s begins DECADES before the diagnosis. And recurring headaches and migraines in our early years of life is not something we should come to normalize.⁣ ⁣ We have lowered our standards as a human race for what it means to have health.

We have been led to believe that these daily aches and issues are simply a part of aging. I’m not saying we should never experience these, but they are happening for a specific reason.⁣

And the main reason that these things are happening is because we have been born into an abnormal environment.⁣

We don’t see how these new modern day luxuries we are blessed to have are impacting us. But science (and basic common sense) will tell us.⁣

Just like we can make two different cakes with different ingredients, you can also create humans out of different ingredients, too.⁣

We’ve traded sunlight for artificial light.

Animal fats for industrially processed grain and seed oils.

Sleep for progress.

Movement for sedentary behavior.

Acute stress for chronic stress.

Fresh air for pollution.

In person connection for screens.⁣

Simply put...the further we remove ourselves from nature, the unhealthier we will become. We must a find a way to return before it’s too late.

If you enjoy this content be sure to share it out with someone who you feel needs it most and leave me a comment below! If you’re interested in taking your health and life to the next level, enroll in my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ now!

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