Craig McCloskey

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This is why Gluten is a Major Trigger Food for Autoimmunity

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This is why Gluten is a Major Trigger Food for Autoimmunity Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Gluten has become one of the biggest buzzwords in the recent decade. Marketers love to throw around the term “gluten-free” on nearly every product under the sun to give their product the “healthy stamp of approval”.' I wouldn’t even be surprised if I saw “gluten-free” on water…

But as I address in my video below, just because a product is listed as gluten-free does not automatically make it healthy. Often, when gluten is taken out of a product, it’s just replaced with other cheap ingredients that can (and will) harm your body in other ways.

Some of those negative health impacts are spiked insulin levels, sky-high inflammation, an irritated digestive tract, and more.

So inside this video I not only educate the viewer on what gluten actually is, but why it is triggering for so many people and how to choose naturally gluten-free options that are going to promote health.

If you are anyone out there struggling with digestive issues, skin issues, brain fog, excess weight, or regular colds, removing gluten in a healthy way might just be the thing you need to see relief from your symptoms.

Tune in and check out this short masterclass on all things gluten and be sure to share it out with someone you feel needs to hear it most. If you’re looking for more guidance, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ and begin taking action today!

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