Craig McCloskey

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This Simple Perspective Can Drastically Improve Your Health

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This Simple Perspective Can Drastically Improve Your Health Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

We need very little to be happy and healthy…

When you look at hunter-gatherer tribes like the Hadza, you’ll see that they are some of the happiest and healthiest people to walk the earth.

Yet they have “very little” compared to us reading this on our smart phones in our air-conditioned homes.

These indigenous cultures may not have the modern day luxuries we do, but they clearly live healthier and happier lives as evidenced by low rates of suicide, mental health disorders, chronic disease, and anecdotally low-stress levels and laid back personalities.

Why is this? I believe the answers don’t lie in what they DO have, but rather in what they DON’T have.

They don’t have cars, social media (gasp!), technology, unlimited clothing options, multiple grocery stores in their hometown, or two-day shipping.

But that also means, by default, they DON’T have vehicle repairs, WiFi outages, social media comparison, a closet full of clothes that creates decision fatigue and judgement from others, stress about debt, or readily available access to any food ever grown or created by man.

While I feel blessed to live in a society that has these luxuries, I know that these are not needed to be happy or create good health.

Can they bring happiness and improve our health? Yes. But more often than not, it’s these same inventions we commonly stress over multiple times per day.

The car makes a funny noise, your hot shower turns cold, your phone dies, the phone bill is due, you see 50 people posting half-naked photos in the matter of minutes online, and your WiFi goes out for a brief moment. You begin to feel insignificant and stress inside.

Inventions and creations of civilization are great because they solved a former problem humans have faced at one point in time, but for every invention we create we need 1,000 more just correct the problems they bring and to make them work better.

Isn’t the point of advancing our culture meant to bring us more ease and happiness into our lives?

While these new inventions surely have in many ways, it seems as though the more we advanced ourselves the more challenging it makes life for us (especially our health).

So I ask the question - could we get to a point where we advance ourselves too much? Advanced ourselves so much that we forget what it means to be human?

Have we already done it?

In order to be truly happy and healthy, we must find the balance between what it means to be human again, while navigating through this new environment and all its modern day luxuries. It requires a perspective shift and a lot of gratitude when these new inventions fail us from time-to-time.

The WiFi goes out? Gratitude.

Your car breaks down? Learn from it and have gratitude.

You have access to a grocery store? Create nutrition structure and have a moment of gratitude.

To hear more, check out the short video below and share it out with someone you feel needs to hear this message and be sure to leave me a comment below! Sign up for the Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ for more personalized health coaching.

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