Craig McCloskey

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Unhealed Trauma Can Worsen Autoimmune Disease

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Unhealed Trauma Can Worsen Autoimmune Disease Symptoms Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

If you’re alive right now you have some form of trauma you have went through. If you’re like most people, that trauma is still impacting you psychologically.

Knowing hundreds of millions of individuals have some form of autoimmunity, 80% of them have gone through a traumatic life event that could have been the spark to their symptoms, or could be inhibiting them from healing altogether.

The traumatic event could be something as tiny as an unhealed relationship that causes your heart stress. It could have been the financial fallout in 2008 you’re still mentally suffering from. Or it could be the very traumatic PTSD from war.

Like fingerprints, trauma comes in many shapes, sizes, and no one trauma is the exact same. And when it comes to dealing with your symptoms, addressing it and knowing how to heal from it could be the difference between healing your physical autoimmune symptoms, or not.

Tune in to this short trailer below and be sure to sign up for the Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™!

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