Craig McCloskey

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Why You Need to Consume Nutrients from Grassfed Animals

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This is the #1 Reason Why You Need to Consume Nutrients From Grassfed Animals Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Animal foods have been wrongly vilified for over 70 years.

All data that shows animal foods are harmful come primarily from epidemiological, observational data that can only, at best, show a correlation.

This data can not show causation.

There is no solid evidence, other than weak associations from observational data which make sense at the population level but which largely disappear once low diet quality and unhealthy lifestyle factors are controlled for.

And when you instruct a population to limit one major food group, and begin to replace those foods with man-made food-like products, you will see nutrient deficiencies, and epidemic rates of chronic disease.

Inside this video you will learn why gram-per-gram animal foods are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, readily available in any environment.

When I say readily available, I mean what is naturally in an environment and has always been there. Grocery stores with imported goods have only been here since the early 1900s, surely a beautiful luxury that skews our reality of what’s “normal”.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How animal foods contain more nutrients than plants

  • Why grass-fed animals have more nutrients than grain-fed animals

  • How pound-per-pound, grass-fed beef is the most nutrient-dense, and cost-effective option on the market

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