Craig McCloskey

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Why You Should Eat Honey (Especially with Autoimmune Disease)

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Why You Should Eat Honey Craig McCloskey

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Honey is one of the most nutrient-dense and powerful foods on the planet.

“The ingredients of honey have been reported to exert antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, anticancer, and antimetastatic effects”, according to a 2017 review (1)

But not only that, honey has been considered by the Hadza as their favorite food, ahead of meat, baobab (a popular fruit in their region), and tubers as their least favorite food (2).

In our domesticated society you and I live in, honey might seem like it’s just a dense source of sugar that can aid in the fire of the current diabesity (diabetes and obesity) epidemic. However, honey is quite unique in the fact it has shown to be antidiabetic (3, 4, 5).

It almost seems paradoxical, doesn’t it? How could “sugar” help the treatment and management of a blood sugar disorder?

Honey is far more than just sugar. It has many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in it that are valuable to human life. In any hunter-gatherer culture that has the sheer access to forage for honey, they will go to great lengths just to get it.

Inside this video you can see how the Hadza men smoke out the bees (which they commonly get stung) just to source out the honey comb and eat it straight, larvae and all. And in this video you can see the entire process from beginning to end.

Now with that latter video in mind, take a step back and look at the foods in your own life. How easy is it to get honey in your environment? Odds are there are hundreds of pounds of it sitting on your store shelf within a few miles from your home you can easily drive to.

We often take for granted the simplicity and availability of our food options, never thinking about what went into it.

Both modern day hunter-gatherers and our ancient ancestors new the value honey provided. And in the context of eating an ancestrally consistent human diet, honey can be an amazing addition to your pantry.

But not all honey is created equal. The honey market is corrupt, unfortunately.

Believe it or not, up to 75 percent of the honey sold in your supermarket has likely been adulterated.

In 2014, an investigation in the UK found only 1 out of the 7 brands found in supermarkets was authentic and pure.

The quality of your honey matters. That’s why I’m only a fan of one brand of honey and that’s Beekeepers Naturals. You can use code ‘CRAIG15’ to get 15% off every order!

You can invest in their products knowing they are not only bringing you a high-quality, authentic product, but also are helping the environment with their methods and sourcing.

Give them a try and let me know what you think in the comments below! Be sure to tune in and listen to this short clip. To hear the full conversation, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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