Craig McCloskey

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Why your Tap Water Is KILLING You And You Should Drink THIS Instead

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Do you know for SURE what is in your drinking water?

In 2020, Bethany and I visited a small town in South Dakota called Hot Springs during our cross country road trip.

What stuck out to me was that for miles (hours even) there wasn’t anything else around, and then just plopped in the middle of nowhere was this city.

I’m thinking, how and WHY would someone create a city right here in the middle of BFE…

Then it hit me!

Little towns and cities like Hot Springs were founded many, MANY generations ago by early settlers, or more likely by Native Americans that lives on this land .

Solely because there was a consistent source of pure drinking water. And also, probably because there were endless amounts of bison that roamed the land, too .

That is until early settlers killed off over 60 MILLION bison, for the sole purpose of starving the Indians - but that is a story for another post.

You see, smack dab in the center of this cute little 1,000 person town, there was a mineral-dense spring and next to it was a hot waterfall pouring down over the side of a little cliff. It was obvious that this spring is where every resident came to fill up their buckets, pales, and bottles before the creation of modern day plumbing.

To all of us living domesticated lives, we only know what these few decades of life looks like for us on this earth. It’s hard for us to realize that there were times without modern day plumbing and all the luxuries we have now. Yet, that’s what 99% of all humans had for the last 4-5 million years.

But to our ancient biology, that’s all it knows. While I am blessed to have access to clean and reliable water coming through my faucets each day, I also must not forget that this is does NOT mean it is also optimal drinking water that is going to hydrate my cells and nourish my body.

We absolutely can drink it without acutely getting sick from pathogenic bacteria. But we are consequently damaging our bodies long term from the addition of chlorine, fluoride, potential pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals.

We don’t know for certain what’s coming through our tap and most people don’t have access to spring water anymore, so that’s why I’m a fan of drinking this water here!

To find out what is coming through your tap water, check yours out by going here.

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