Personal Development

Why Making Life Simpler and Learning LESS Is The Answer To Your Health Problems

Why Making Life Simpler and Learning LESS Is The Answer To Your Health Problems

We think the answers to our problems lie in reading a lot of books. We think the answers to our problems are inventing the next newest drug or machine. We think these are the answers to our health problems and the solution to that is to constantly seek out more information and learn more stuff. But I think that's the problem, don't you?

5 Success Tips On Starting A New Health Routine

5 Success Tips On Starting A New Health Routine

It’s a lot better to start that forward momentum with a little progress now. You don’t have to wait for the perfect timing, nor do you have to be perfect to start. Loving yourself now, embracing the fact that you are enough in this moment, and choosing little daily progress over perfection is the first step in getting started.

These 4 Life Principles Saved My Life

These 4 Life Principles Saved My Life

I sat there and listened to every word. It was the first time in years that things started to make sense. It was at that exact moment I knew I finally made the right decision. I knew that I was pursuing something I believed in and would make me great. I didn't have all the answers, but I knew I was on the right path.