Autoimmune Disease

Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Movement gives us so many beneficial things in life - a better brain, a healthier immune system, better functioning mitochondria, better working hormones to keep us insulin sensitive, and so much LIFE. To forget all of this by punishing ourselves for the things we ate is a real tragedy...⁣

Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Any living animal in its ORIGINAL intended environment has good health. The problem with our species (especially the past few generations), is that we’ve been born into an environment that promotes disease.

These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

Before we know what it means to be healthy, we first have to come to understand and accept the fact that as a living being on this planet, our biology expects us to be healthy. It’s not normal to live a life of disease.⁣ Any other species living in its original environment has health automatically without trying. But why does the human race have to TRY?⁣

Stop Eating Low-Calorie Foods To Lose Weight

Stop Eating Low-Calorie Foods To Lose Weight

The problem in our word nowadays is that we live in an environment in which most of our foods are very calorically dense, and very nutrient poor.⁣ So when “experts” say to eat less calories, because of how far removed from our original environment we are, most people don’t know how to intuitively eat their adapted diet and they often come up WAY short of the essential nutrients they need. All because they think eating less calories is best.⁣

Why Your Tap Water Is Polluted And You Should Drink This Instead

Why Your Tap Water Is Polluted And You Should Drink This Instead

Most tap water is essentially recycled toilet water in the U.S. And while we have figured out a way to get that into our homes and make it drinkable, it still is far from optimal. That is because there’s many intentional chemicals being added into our water supply - and many unintentional compounds leaking into our water supply as well.