
6 Life-Changing Roles The Microbiome Plays On Our Health

6 Life-Changing Roles The Microbiome Plays On Our Health

Microbes are some of the oldest living cells on Earth and are found everywhere. They are in the air you breathe and in the food you eat—they are literally all around you, on you, and within you. In fact, microbes outnumber human cells in the body by about ten to one. This means that you have 10 times more bacteria than human cells in your body, which is simply fascinating!

7 Major Causes of Common Digestive Issues with Holistic Root Cause Solutions

7 Major Causes of Common Digestive Issues with Holistic Root Cause Solutions

Processed foods, gluten, vegetable oils, added sugar, and most all modern day foods have been shown to be highly associated and even causal of many common digestive issues.

Understanding Morality on a Vegan Diet and Fueling Your Body for Optimal Health

Understanding Morality on a Vegan Diet and Fueling Your Body for Optimal Health

It’s very easy to get influenced by a community and health experts online preaching their way of eating is the best. Because of this, we often forget what it means to eat a human diet in the context of nature.

Can Collagen Heal the Gut and Improve Autoimmune Disease?

Can Collagen Heal the Gut and Improve Autoimmune Disease?

Collagen across the board is super high in the amino acids that muscle meats commonly are not - glycine and proline. Including more collagen in your diet can have profound impacts on your health and athletic performance.

This is why Gluten is a Major Trigger Food for Autoimmunity

This is why Gluten is a Major Trigger Food for Autoimmunity

Just because a product is listed as gluten-free does not automatically make it healthy. Often, when gluten is taken out of a product, it’s just replaced with other cheap ingredients that can (and will) harm your body in other ways.