How To Improve Digestion And Become A Master Pooper

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Health is about so much more than what we eat and how much we exercise. It also entails the quality of our sleep, relationships, stress levels, and how we...poop? That’s right. Believe it or not, there is actually a proper way to do our business and that’s what I’m going to dish out to you today.

Go ahead, get all the laughs out now because we are about to dive in head first on this topic! (probably not the best choice of words)

As humans, we have evolved to do a lot of things like eat certain foods, sleep at night, get in different types of movement, and release our bowels a certain way.

For all of human evolution we needed to squat in order to do our business.

Even into old age we would need to be able to get down into a squat position to release our wastes. If we weren’t able to squat, we would eventually die. It was, and still is, essential to our health, well-being, and overall lives.

Fast forward to today and it’s actually very frightening to see the number of individuals who aren’t able to get down into that essential squat position. From young kids to older adults, it’s not even an option.

I’m not saying you have to put 400lbs on your back and get low like Lil’ Jon, but it’s vital to at least be able to break parallel with your own body weight.

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The toilet was invented in the 1500s and ever since then our digestion and elimination health has taken a toll. We went from squatting to sitting in an upright position almost overnight and our biology has not adapted to this sudden change. Why is this a problem?

In our gut we have what’s called the puborectalis muscle that acts like a sling in order to keep our colon kinked so we don’t accidentally drop a surprise cookie while we are standing up. When we take a seat it becomes partially relaxed. Keyword, partially. It only becomes fully relaxed when we reach that squat position.

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Over time, this kink can be detrimental to our overall health. It’s one reason why people strain so hard to release their wastes. It can also inhibit the individual from releasing their bowels to its entirety. This can cause a host of problems such as constipation, diverticulosis, colon cancer, and more (1).

Diverticulosis is a condition in which small pouches in your colon form and become inflamed. Over 50% of adults 60 years and older have diverticulosis. And 10% of adults over the age of 40 have it as well. Most people who are affected by this don’t experience symptoms until long after they have it, and at that point it can be too late. The process of straining hard to release your bowels contributes greatly to this condition.

The act of pushing extremely hard, while holding your breath is known as the valsalva maneuver. This, in and of itself, can lead to an array of problems such as blood clots, internal bleeding, and even cardiac arrest.

How can you poop better Today?

While it’s no longer acceptable to go outside and just drop one in our backyard, we now have found a way to use the toilet and ‘hack’ the squat position.

Thanks to innovative thinking, a great product was invented to help us all poop a little bit better on a daily basis. For the past seven years I have been using my Squatty Potty, every single day. The squatty potty is a perfectly engineered product that helps you get into that squat position without actually squatting. It helps your puborectalis muscle relax fully and you get a much easier flow. I can attest it works and has changed my life, seemingly overnight!

I know this idea of talking about pooping is a little weird and maybe uncomfortable, but let’s be real. We all do it and a majority of us don’t poop as properly as we should. We stash magazines in the bathroom because we know we are going to be in there for at least 15 minutes. It’s a lot of people’s morning rituals to spend the first half hour of their day in there just trying to work up a little something.

How to test to see if you have proper pooping etiquette

Going to the bathroom shouldn’t be an all day event. Most people go in and when they have a great bowel movement, they walk out expecting a big party like the Browns just won the Superbowl (probably a really horrible pun, I apologize). And what makes it even worse is that the Brown will never win the Superbowl…(this is coming from a Steelers fan so I might be a little biased).

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If you want to test to see if you have proper pooping health, try this:

Next time you need to do your business, count how long it takes you to fully release. Pay attention to your body and your breath. Do you hold your breath and need to push hard to work up a release? If so, you might chronically constipated and on your way to developing bowel problems.

Proper digestion and release of your bowels should be as easy and quick as one minute. As soon as you squat, your body should easily release everything in your lower colon and a simple 1-2 wipes is all you need. Anything longer than that can be signs of chronic constipation and/or other health issues.

Pooping is something we all do and we can’t avoid the topic because it’s awkward and inconvenient. Bowel health is actually very serious and should be treated as such. Investing in the Squatty Potty can be one of the best things you do for your digestion. Getting rid of what you eat in a healthy way is just as important as what you are consuming. So next time you need to go, ya know, try Lil Jon’s recommendation and get low!

For more content and coaching by me, be sure to sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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