Stop Eating Low-Calorie Foods To Lose Weight

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Eating for nutrient density is a better idea than eating for calorie content.

If your goal is health gain and living to become the most optimal version of you possible, the biggest mindset shift you can make when it comes to your nutrition is this…⁣

Stop eating for calorie inadequacy and start eating for nutrient density.⁣

When you choose your foods based on the sheer amount of essential nutrients it contains, your body will know exactly what to do to return to its original healthy state.⁣

But when you choose your food options based off the amount of calories in the food, you’ll almost always come up short with nutrients.⁣

Calories are a GOOD thing in the context of nutrient density. Calories are not a good thing in the context of nutrient inadequacy.⁣

Our ancestors hunted the fattest bison. They sourced out berries blueberries and honey and tubers because they contained calories.

They SOUGHT out calories. They wanted all the calories. It meant survival.

To them, they wanted to have as reliable access to as many calories as possible. Because to them, eating calories meant more nourishment in the form of essential vitamins and minerals.⁣

They surely didn’t know what vitamin A was. They didn’t know what choline, magnesium, glycine, potassium, or vitamin D was.⁣

Yet, they ate the foods that they intuitively knew would give them the most nutrient density per calorie consumed.⁣

The problem in our word nowadays is that we live in an environment in which most of our foods are very calorically dense, and very nutrient poor.⁣

So when “experts” say to eat less calories, because of how far removed from our original environment we are, most people don’t know how to intuitively eat their adapted diet and they often come up WAY short of the essential nutrients they need. All because they think eating less calories is best.⁣

Instead I give my clients a guided framework that will meet ALL of their nutritional needs, and ask them to focus on the calories later.⁣

I DON’T want you to eat low calorie foods. I DO want you to eat high nutrient foods that taste good. This way you will GAIN health, and fat loss and symptom improvement will just be a side effect of the person you become.

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For more guided help, enroll in my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ now!

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