Episode 008: The Surprising Science on How Food Impacts Your Brain! 7 Best & Worst Foods to Eat

Your diet and environment play a significant role in shaping your brain's health and function. While certain foods can provide essential nutrients and support brain health, others can be harmful and contribute to the development of chronic conditions that affect cognitive function. Similarly, exposure to certain environmental toxins and pollutants can damage the brain and lead to cognitive decline.

Here are some ways that food and environment can harm the brain:

  1. Processed foods: Processed foods are often high in sugar, seed oils, and artificial additives. These ingredients can contribute to inflammation in the brain and increase the risk of chronic conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's. Processed foods can also disrupt the delicate balance of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to mood and cognitive impairments.

  2. Trans fats: Trans fats are found in many processed and fast foods, and they are known to raise “bad” cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. They can also contribute to inflammation in the brain and increase the risk of cognitive decline.

  3. Heavy metals: Heavy metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum can accumulate in the brain over time and cause damage. Exposure to heavy metals can come from a variety of sources, including contaminated water and food, occupational exposure, and even certain medications.

  4. Pesticides and herbicides: Pesticides and herbicides are commonly used in agriculture and can be found in some fruits and vegetables. These chemicals can damage the brain and increase the risk of neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease.

  5. Air pollution: Air pollution from sources like automobile exhaust and industrial emissions can damage the brain and increase the risk of cognitive decline. Air pollution can also contribute to inflammation in the brain, which can lead to the development of chronic conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's.

The food you eat and the environment you live in can have a significant impact on your brain's health and function. To protect your brain, avoid processed and fast foods, limit your exposure to heavy metals, minimize your exposure to pesticides and herbicides, and take steps to reduce air pollution. By making smart choices and being mindful of the potential harm from food and environment, you can help ensure that your brain stays healthy and functioning at its best.

Inside this episode you’ll discover:

  • Neurogenesis - busting the myth that you can't grow new brain cells: (0:59)

  • What it means to place yourself in a healthy brain environment: (5:01)

  • What is neuro-inflammation and why it's a current epidemic: (6:45)

  • What causes chronic inflammation?: (14:31)

  • Warning signs that you have an inflamed brain: (18:19)

  • The surprising amount of energy your brain uses every single day: (19:38)

  • What is methylation and why is it important for brain health?: (21:24)

  • Why seed oils are detrimental to brain health: (27:20)

  • How gluten impacts your brain and attributes to neuro-inflammation: (29:32)

  • The surprising connection dairy and gluten have together: (32:18)

  • Processed sugar's role in the formation of Alzheimer's disease: (33:29)

  • What it means to eat a nutrient-rich diet: (35:40)

  • The startling amount of sedentary behavior it takes to harm brain health: (38:06)

  • Chronic stress and its connection on brain function: (39:04)

  • The shocking science that shows how junk light hurts the brain: (39:36)

  • Environmental toxins, pollutants, and chemicals ability to kill brain cells: (42:54)

  • How lack of sleep degrades your brain: (44:11)

  • Why science shows grass-fed beef is a superfood for brain health: (44:41)

  • The remarkable benefits extra virgin olive oil has on brain health: (58:16)

  • Why egg yolks are one of the best foods for the brain: (1:45)

  • The amazing benefits of beef tallow: (1:04:51)

  • The surprising science behind blueberries: (1:08:30)

  • Why having high cholesterol is not a cause for heart disease: (1:09:47)

  • Why honey isn't the same as processed sugar and is a brain superfood: (14:55)

  • The one medicinal mushroom that supercharges the brain: (1:19:19)

  • How coffee improves brain function and slows cognitive decline: (1:21:31)

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