
Episode 008: The Surprising Science on How Food Impacts Your Brain! 7 Best & Worst Foods to Eat

Episode 008: The Surprising Science on How Food Impacts Your Brain! 7 Best & Worst Foods to Eat

The food you eat and the environment you live in can have a significant impact on your brain's health and function. To protect your brain, avoid processed and fast foods, limit your exposure to heavy metals, minimize your exposure to pesticides and herbicides, and take steps to reduce air pollution. By making smart choices and being mindful of the potential harm from food and environment, you can help ensure that your brain stays healthy and functioning at its best.

Episode 007: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Plant Toxins and the Surprising Benefits of Cold Therapy and Sauna

Episode 007: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Plant Toxins and the Surprising Benefits of Cold Therapy and Sauna

Hormesis is a biological concept that refers to the notion that low-level exposure to toxins or stressors can actually have a beneficial effect on an organism. This can be through molecular hormesis (plant toxins) or environmental hormesis (cold, heat, fasting, and exercise). Both have pros and cons - let’s address them today!

Episode 004: 8 Best Foods To Build A Bulletproof Immune System

Episode 004: 8 Best Foods To Build A Bulletproof Immune System

Supporting a healthy immune system can take many forms, including appropriately nourishing your body with immune-boosting foods, using exercise to prevent stagnation of the lymphatic system, and getting quality sleep. Most importantly, the key to maintaining health is understanding the role of the immune system, and how to fortify it on a consistent basis.

Understanding Morality on a Vegan Diet and Fueling Your Body for Optimal Health

Understanding Morality on a Vegan Diet and Fueling Your Body for Optimal Health

It’s very easy to get influenced by a community and health experts online preaching their way of eating is the best. Because of this, we often forget what it means to eat a human diet in the context of nature.