
Episode 007: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Plant Toxins and the Surprising Benefits of Cold Therapy and Sauna

Episode 007: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Plant Toxins and the Surprising Benefits of Cold Therapy and Sauna

Hormesis is a biological concept that refers to the notion that low-level exposure to toxins or stressors can actually have a beneficial effect on an organism. This can be through molecular hormesis (plant toxins) or environmental hormesis (cold, heat, fasting, and exercise). Both have pros and cons - let’s address them today!

Why Your Tap Water Is Polluted And You Should Drink This Instead

Why Your Tap Water Is Polluted And You Should Drink This Instead

Most tap water is essentially recycled toilet water in the U.S. And while we have figured out a way to get that into our homes and make it drinkable, it still is far from optimal. That is because there’s many intentional chemicals being added into our water supply - and many unintentional compounds leaking into our water supply as well.

Science Shows Antibiotics Can Cause Autoimmune Disease

Science Shows Antibiotics Can Cause Autoimmune Disease

Antibiotics have been directly shown in a case-controlled study to be associated with the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Researchers concluded their study by saying, “Antibiotic prescriptions are associated with a higher risk of RA. This may be due to microbiota disturbances or underlying infections driving risk.”