Food Is The Most Powerful Form Of Medicine

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

When you take a MICROgram or MILLIgram size pill, you can physically feel its effects.

Whether it's an Aspirin for a headache, Vasotec for lowering your blood pressure, or Lipitor to reduce cholesterol, you can see how these little, tiny pills influence your physiology.

Yet, we eat KILOgram size quantities of food every single day. We eat POUNDS of food per day.

If you can come to believe that these tiny pills have an impact on your physiology, then by default, you have to come to believe that the pounds of food you're eating every day also have some sort of physiologic response on your biology as well.

And the problem is that our current medical system does a very poor job at relaying the fact to you that the pounds of food you are choosing to put in your body has anything to do with the symptoms you're experiencing - which, we use pharmaceuticals to treat the symptoms that food is directly causing.

I’m not here to say that drugs are never needed. Absolutely not. They can help in certain acute instances. But to be fed (no pun intended) the belief that you need to take a medication for the rest of your life (in the context of chronic disease) directly takes away all the power you hold as an individual with the choices you make.

Here’s the most messed up part about it. We are told that the food we eat has VERY LITTLE to do with our symptoms. Yet, we are then told to EAT A PILL to manage our symptoms.

If you can come to believe that putting a synthetic drug inside your body impacts your physiology, then why can you not believe food also can impact your physiology?

Everything you put in your body matters.

So, understanding that simple concept, people TRY and make healthy decisions. They TRY to change around their habits. God bless them, they try.

But when their environment has ZERO structure to food, they will fail often if they aren’t conscious.

We have access to any food we could ever want, 24/7. So unless we create the structure inside our own homes, we will never have it because society isn’t creating structure for us.

What you put in your body matters, because you’re literally creating your body out of it. So choose wisely.


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