Is Your 'Why' Greater Than The Pain From Your Symptoms?

Inside This Brief Trailer You’ll Discover:

People want better health, but very few are willing to give up the things hurting them in order to make that change happen.

I’m not saying you have to give up all alcohol forever. I’m not saying you never get to eat pizza, ice cream, or Oreos ever again.

But what I am saying is that if you have certain goals you’re working towards, you absolutely need to learn when it’s appropriate to say “no”.

We live in an environment where there is ZERO structure with our food availability. We have access to anything we could ever want. We’re constantly exposed to man-made food-like products on commercials, billboards, social media ads, and more.

We have easy access to every food ever created and grown naturally with the click of a button or a quick drive into town. There is absolutely no structure to this.

And for health “experts” to say “it’s alright to eat everything in moderation and if the cupcake is there just eat it”, completely lacks context.

If you have goals, it’s paramount you learn to say “no” without feeling deprived. And all it takes to not feel deprived is a perspective shift and some guidance from a coach.

And if your symptoms are causing you pain, but you’re not yet willing to go just ONE week without alcohol or sugar, then clearly the pain has not gotten great enough.

However, we don’t want to get to that point if don’t have to. As JFK famously said, “The best time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining.”

Yet, I have conversations weekly with individuals where I inform them about food choices and the way food impacts them. And the ONLY thing they seem to hear out of the entire convo is they need to give up alcohol or processed foods.

I’m not one to encourage the feelings of deprivation in another human, especially when it comes to food. But I’m also not one to encourage the consumption of foods and food-like products that are hurting them, either.

So we must have standards and structure. And if you’re not willing to at the very least just switch some things around in your diet for a few weeks, then there’s no amount of information I can give you as a coach that will help.

But I will continue to try and create a breakthrough

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