Don't Exercise To Burn Fat, Move Your Body To Gain Life

Inside This Brief Trailer You’ll Discover:

“Fat burn should never be the ultimate goal when you’re exercising. Fat loss is just going to be one side effect of the person you are becoming in the process of you moving your body and living a higher quality of life.”

Exercise is not essential for optimal health. However, movement in very unique ways is very essential for creating a healthy human body.

We were designed to simply move our bodies in specific ways - walk, run, lift our arms over head, get into a deep squat, lift heavy things, sprint occasionally, and perform all the necessary movements needed to sustain life.

Gyms are just an invention to recreate the natural movements we should be getting in by living a normal human life. We are not moving to hunt or harvest our food, to build our homes, or to find new land. Instead, we’ve traded these ancient practices for grocery stores, desk jobs, and have started outsourcing all the jobs that require heavy lifting.

Inside this brief trailer, my goal is to help you reframe your mindset about what exercise (more specifically movement) can do for our living, breathing bodies. Movement can help fat burn, but the ultimate goal of moving your body should be to gain life. Fat loss will just become a side effect of moving your body in ways your biology expects.

Be sure to share this out with someone you feel could use this message and leave me a comment below.

For more guidance, enroll in my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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