This Major Life Lesson From The Military Taught Me About Health

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

I enlisted in the United States Air Force soon after I graduated high school in 2011. What I learned in basic training will stick with me forever.

I often reflect back on my time spent at Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas. And each time I look back on those experiences I learn something new.

I wanted to share this powerful story in the video below to help you realize that the small decisions you choose to make every day add up to be the big things later in life.

Just like the accumulation of small, random acts of kindness spark your soul mate to fall in love with you, the small decisions that seem insignificant in the moment add up to be the things that cause health problems months, to years, to decades later in life.

Every decision you make in your life you’re voting for the person you wish to become. It’s not to say that you can never eat a slice of pizza, have a bowl of ice cream, or miss an exercise ever again (gasp!). It’s solely about winning a majority of the time, and making those decisions listed prior the exception, and not the rule.

Just like you need a majority of votes to win an election, you just need a majority of small, daily wins to have great health. But if you’re choices are more sedentary days than not, then you will become inflexible and lack range of motion.

If you choose to eat more processed food several days out of the week, then your body will literally become a sum accumulation of that material you’re choosing to put inside your body.

But if lack of sleep, processed foods, sedentary behavior, and toxin exposure becomes the exception, you will have a much higher quality of life in the short term, and long term!

Check out this brief video below and if you like this content leave a comment in the section below and be sure to sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ where I have 12 more hours of awesome content just like this!

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