This Is The #1 Thing You Can Do To Improve Autoimmunity

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Autoimmune Disease affects tens of millions of individuals worldwide, and autoimmune symptoms impact more than 10x that amount of people.

It goes without saying we have an autoimmune epidemic on our hands. But asking the most fundamental questions, what is causing a rise in autoimmunity?

While this conversation is a multi-pronged approach, the food we eat directly impacts how our immune system functions.

If you are someone out there with a current diagnosed autoimmune condition or you’re someone who is experiencing autoimmune symptoms like skin issues, digestive issues, thinning hair, brittle nails, cold hands and feet and more, the food you eat matters more than anything.

That is because eating is the most intimate thing you can ever do. You’re taking something from the outside world and literally choosing to create your body out of it. And knowing 80% of your immune system is located within you GI tract, what you eat is directly going to determine whether or not you experience autoimmune symptoms.

We are often told to eat a milligram sized pill to manage our symptoms of IBD or other diseases, but there is never any mention that the kilogram sized food we choose to put in our bodies each day has any impact on our symptoms.

I’m here today to tell to you in this short 3 minute video that the quality of food you choose to fuel your body with matters the most. If you like this content be sure to share it out with someone who you feel needs it most and leave me a comment below.

If you want relief from your symptoms and to learn more about autoimmunity, take on my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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