
Episode 008: The Surprising Science on How Food Impacts Your Brain! 7 Best & Worst Foods to Eat

Episode 008: The Surprising Science on How Food Impacts Your Brain! 7 Best & Worst Foods to Eat

The food you eat and the environment you live in can have a significant impact on your brain's health and function. To protect your brain, avoid processed and fast foods, limit your exposure to heavy metals, minimize your exposure to pesticides and herbicides, and take steps to reduce air pollution. By making smart choices and being mindful of the potential harm from food and environment, you can help ensure that your brain stays healthy and functioning at its best.

Episode 002: 4 Top Causes of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and How To Improve Energy Naturally

Episode 002: 4 Top Causes of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and How To Improve Energy Naturally

Energy is everything. With it, you can accomplish anything. Without it, you’re dead. Yet very few people understand how energy in the human body is produced. And that’s a major problem considering low energy is an epidemic among our population today.