
Episode 002: 4 Top Causes of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and How To Improve Energy Naturally

Episode 002: 4 Top Causes of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and How To Improve Energy Naturally

Energy is everything. With it, you can accomplish anything. Without it, you’re dead. Yet very few people understand how energy in the human body is produced. And that’s a major problem considering low energy is an epidemic among our population today.

6 Life-Changing Roles The Microbiome Plays On Our Health

6 Life-Changing Roles The Microbiome Plays On Our Health

Microbes are some of the oldest living cells on Earth and are found everywhere. They are in the air you breathe and in the food you eat—they are literally all around you, on you, and within you. In fact, microbes outnumber human cells in the body by about ten to one. This means that you have 10 times more bacteria than human cells in your body, which is simply fascinating!