The Healthiest Water You Should Be Drinking

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No doubt about it – we’re living in uncertain times. It’s challenging times like these that bring what’s most important into sharper focus, primarily our health and the health and well-being of our families, friends, and neighbors.

As many of us now find ourselves adjusting to staying at home, we are all searching for new routines to maintain healthy diet and exercise habits and keep our immune systems strong. Whether you’re working or working out from home, drinking plenty of water daily is essential to stay hydrated and healthy, but the quality of the water we drink is directly related to our health.

3 out of 4 U.S. households have contaminants in their tap water that exceed safe limits, according to Environmental Working Group (1). Contaminants like arsenic, PFAS, fluoride and more are commonly found in the water supply of most Americans and have known harmful effects to our health.

Having pure, healthy water at home is one less thing I have to worry about though and not because I braved the stores to track down and stock up on bottled water.

As you may already know I've bottled my own spring water from nearby springs for seven years. I would throw my 5 gallon jugs in the back seat of my car with Koda, my dog, and we'd drive 20 minutes up the mountain only to fill up our jugs for our drinking water the next two weeks.

This was the only water we drank (in coffee, soups, teas, smoothies, etc.) for two weeks until we made the trip again. It was truly something fun we did together and it was a nice way to spend a Saturday morning. I can still remember the mountain views as Koda would have his head sticking out the back window, and I'd either be listening to a great podcast or listening to country music.


Having that feeling of running low on water and my family depending on me to make the drive up and back every two weeks gave me an immense sense of gratitude, as well as really helped connect me better to nature. It was something so small, but it was that feeling that drove me to want to provide for them, and an unintended result of that was learning to appreciate every single drop of that water.

We never let a drop go to waste. Ever.

I would encourage everyone to experience this because it really puts into perspective just how spoiled and blessed we are to be living with running tap water on command. It's truly something life-changing for so many of us, yet we don't give it a second thought when we turn on our tap or shower.

Think about that next time you turn on your faucet.

However, just because we have this luxury now doesn't mean this tap water is optimal drinking water for proper hydration. We absolutely can do it and it will keep us alive, without acutely killing us thanks to chlorine killing off all the pathogenic bacteria.

Do to the simple nature of it all, we are still exposing ourselves not just to the chlorine, but to toxins, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, fluoride, and more.

We are convinced our simple carbon-based filters (either built-in to our fridge or the hand-held Brita filters) are enough to remove all these pollutants. This is simply not the case.

Because of all this, that's why I went to great lengths to bottle my own spring water for seven years in the first place.

However, we recently moved from PA to the beach in North Carolina, and now we don't have access to a nearby spring. That means we are left with only a couple real options for healthy drinking water.

  1. Have a reputable spring water company deliver straight to our house

  2. Install a whole-house reverse osmosis system

Well, the former is a little too expensive on a regular basis, and the latter isn't quite possible since we live in an apartment complex - we can't just redo the plumbing here, lol!

So you can imagine my excitement when we found out about AquaTru!

We are now able to purify our own water at home with a countertop reverse osmosis filtration system that gives us an unlimited supply of pure, delicious water.

AquaTru removes virtually ALL of the toxic contaminants from your drinking water and is even certified to remove 82 contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, nitrate, and even PFOA & PFOS!

Plus, one set of AquaTru filters makes the equivalent of 4,500 bottles of water—that’s less than 3 cents per half liter bottle! That means:

  • You’ll save hundreds by not buying bottled water.

  • You’ll save thousands of plastic bottles from being dumped into our oceans and landfills.

  • Since AquaTru is a countertop purifier, there’s no installation or plumbing.

  • You can use your purified water for everything from drinking and cooking to cleaning.

And don’t forget about your pets! They need healthy water too. That's all I give Koda - RO filtered water with hydrating minerals dissolved into it.

While I can't unfortunately bottle my spring water like I would love to - this is an alternative that I recommend everyone do. If you are bottling your own spring water like I used to, then this isn't for you.

But if you are using a fridge filter, typical Brita filter, Zero water filter, or something else like that - then this IS for you.

I think best of all, and most importantly, when your water is pure and clean, it’s one less thing you have to worry about.

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With all that in mind, I decided to reach out to the team at AquaTru and ask them if they could do anything to support my community. This is a topic I'm very passionate about because I know how much changing around the quality of your water can change the health of you and your family. It's a really big deal.

Not only were they thrilled to partner with me, but they were kind enough to offer my community $150 OFF an entire AquaTru system - but for a limited time only.

I know during these unprecedented times we live in right now, money can be tight. But that doesn't mean our health has to suffer as a result.

This $150 off should help and make it quite affordable at only $299. But not only that, they have several different payment plans to choose from and also accept payment options like Paypal, Affirm, and more!

I really did try my best to get as much of a deal as I could to hook you up because this is something I know can make a huge difference in the health of you and your family. So take advantage of this and let me know if you have any questions.

Just click this link here to receive your special discount (no coupon code required).