Why Making Life Simpler and Learning LESS Is The Answer To Your Health Problems

Why Making Life Simpler and Learning LESS Is The Answer To Your Health Problems

We think the answers to our problems lie in reading a lot of books. We think the answers to our problems are inventing the next newest drug or machine. We think these are the answers to our health problems and the solution to that is to constantly seek out more information and learn more stuff. But I think that's the problem, don't you?

4 Steps To Create a Bulletproof Workout Routine

4 Steps To Create a Bulletproof Workout Routine

Muscle is our ultimate fat-burning machinery. The more muscle we have and the more we work to increase our muscle mass, the more fat we will burn in the process. Muscle is very metabolically expensive tissue. That just simply means we burn a lot more energy (whether that’s energy in the form of exogenous food or endogenous fat tissue) when we have muscle mass on our frames.

The Healthiest Water You Should Be Drinking

The Healthiest Water You Should Be Drinking

3 out of 4 U.S. households have contaminants in their tap water that exceed safe limits, according to Environmental Working Group (1). Contaminants like arsenic, PFAS, fluoride and more are commonly found in the water supply of most Americans and have known harmful effects to our health.

The Shocking Story About The Sickest Nation In History

The Shocking Story About The Sickest Nation In History

The more sugar and vegetable oils began to make their way into the kitchen of nearly every home in America throughout the 1900s, the more and more we saw skyrocketing rates of chronic disease.