Can Eating Less Fiber Improve Your Constipation?

Inside This Trailer You Will Learn:

The topic about fiber is a very interesting conversation, to say the least.

The mainstream narrative is that we are all eating too little fiber. But there are layers to this and more fiber is not always better. You might be someone who thrives off of less fiber - we need to unpack this a little bit more to find out.

In our world today, what is a low-fiber diet synonymous with? We automatically think of the Standard American Diet - full of processed foods, poor nutrient density, sugar, and chemicals.

But I ask the question, “is there a low-fiber diet that meets all of your nutrient requirements that we can get in nature?”

The answer to that question is - yes!

Eating an animal-based diet will meet all the nutrient requirements any other living animal needs to thrive.

It has been long disproven that animal foods do not cause chronic disease in humans. Meats have been associated with disease in humans, but never shown to be causal with hard end points in interventional data.

There’s a difference between association and causation and that’s where many good-hearted individuals get tripped up with biased experts preaching poor data.

The same is true for fiber. Many studies show an association that the more fiber you eat, the better your health will be.

But, for a vast majority of individuals - especially those with IBD - eating less fiber can drastically improve your health.

But, the way you eat a low-fiber diet matters. Eating the Standard American Diet can do far worse harm than it will good. When you begin to consume foods that have no right being in the human diet, you will experience a wide array of symptoms - constipation being one of them.

To find out if you need more or less fiber, tune in to this short clip below and be sure to share this out with someone you feel needs to hear this message, and leave me a comment below!

To hear this conversation in full, sign up for my ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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