Regenerative Agriculture Is Going To Save The Earth From Climate Change

In This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

There’s a lot to this story that isn’t being shared in the mainstream…

To have a healthy ecosystem, you need plants, animals, humans, and a wide variety of all species living in harmony with one another. Part of this harmony means life, and part of this harmony means death. It’s nature.

Ruminants like bison are known as the keystone animal because of how critical of a role they played in their creation of lush, green pastures of Northern America over the span of many thousands of years.

Almost by evolutionary accident have the 60 million bison that once roamed the Great Plains created a land so fertile for life to exist.

They traveled hundreds of miles, tilling the land with their hooves, and dropping their poop which fertilized the soil. The beautiful consequence of that evolutionary design is that soil is the biggest carbon SINK we have.

So what changed? In the 1800-1900s, to gain control of the Native Americans, the newly formed American Army killed off all reported 60 million bison, while only leaving several HUNDRED.

Not only did we remove the key piece of the equation that helped sequester GHGs into our soil, but HUMANS have replaced those beautiful animals with feedlot cattle.

Not only are CAFOs unethical, unhealthy to consume, and immoral to raise, but they produce all the methane a NORMAL ruminant has always produced - a natural byproduct of their enteric digestion.

So it seems as though we’ve taken tens of millions of ruminants from lush, green pastures and directly put them in refined feedlots. It’s not the animal that’s the problem as many would make you believe.

It’s your own human brother and sister that are to blame.

Not only that, but these once, beautiful pastures have been replaced with monocrop fields of corn, soy, and wheat - that are constantly overturned, void of nutrients and are now just brittle DIRT - unable to hold carbon.

And to add another layer on top of it, we’ve now recently begun adding NEW carbon into the atmosphere by digging up fossil fuels from deep inside the earth. I’m looking at you plant-based burgers.

So…are ruminants really the issue? Or is it not this new environment humans have created?

Tune in to this short 4 minute video below to learn more and be sure to share this out with your community and leave me a comment below!

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