Animal Protein Vs. Plant-Based Protein: Which One Is More Bioavailable?

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

When it comes to protein bioavailability, not all protein sources are created equally.

First, on the logical hand. How readily available are plant proteins in your local environment? Take away grocery stores, supplements, protein powders, two day shipping, and access to any food we could ever want.

These modern day luxuries listed above have only been possible for the past few generations. My great grandfather didn’t have the sheer access to down a pea protein shake, soy protein shake, or black bean burger even if he wanted to. It just wasn’t possible for all of human history.

Animal proteins, however, are widely available in all communities. Not necessarily easy to hunt, but a lot more readily available than plant proteins. What makes them easier to hunt, though, is hunting in groups and communities. And this is something humans (and other species) always do to catch their prey. Humans are no exception.

Only ever so recently has animal protein become vilified as being linked to chronic disease. This has never been based on causal, experimental science, however. Refer to some of my previous videos (and my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ online course below) to learn more about this science.

Which leads us into the second, science-based hand. Inside this short video below I discuss what’s known as the PDCAAS - Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score.

Scientists can take amino acids from any food and determine how bioavailable (or well the human body uses it) it is when we consume it.

Often, you might see on the back of a nutrition label where a product claims “Protein = 50% of your RDA”. Just because a product has 30g of protein in it does not mean you are absorbing 30g of protein. Far from it, especially if you’re consuming plant-based protein.

Add on top of that, leaky gut, parasites, and other common nutrient inhibitors most people might have going on inside, it’s going to make absorbing any nutrient that much more difficult.

Over and over again the science clearly shows that animal proteins are far superior in bioavailability than plant proteins.

Now, for those following a vegan or vegetarian protocol, plant-based supplements can literally be “life-saving” - simply because it’s hard to meet all your protein requirements (let alone full nutrients) in your food options.

It might be possible now in our new environment where we have two day shipping, grocery stores with food being imported from all over the world, and newly created supplements. But if this were ideal for our human species to consume, would we not have died out millennia ago?

I will always applaud individuals for making an intentional decision for their health, even if it is going vegan or vegetarian. My main goal, however, is to help educate them on the best way to nourish their body. And with this video below, I want individuals to understand that plant-based proteins (according to much data) are far less bioavailable than even just a few ounces of meat.

If you like this content be sure to share it out with those who you feel need it most and leave me a comment below! If you want to hear the full discussion of this video, be sure to sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ - where I help individuals with skin issues, digestive conditions, fatigue, weight loss, and more!

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