Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Amazing things can happen to an individual’s health when you take the blame off them.

Even more amazing things can happen when you help them to understand that they are in control of their own health.

So, I truly mean it when I say that your health conditions are not your fault.

It can be easy to feel shame and guilt when you have a health condition, especially an autoimmune condition.

“Maybe I was I just born with a bad set of genes. I’m destined to have this.”

This mindset not only places all fault on you but it also gives away ALL of your control to outside powers.

In turn, you will just accept that aging is the cause of our conditions. Or that you can’t do anything to improve your health because “high cholesterol runs in my family”.

Screw that. With that mindset you’ve chosen to give up and give away all the power that you hold.

Genetics are not king. You have more power than you realize through the choices you make in life - aka, epigenetic influences.

Your genes may load the gun, but your environment will pull the trigger.

And the most messed up part about it is…

The environment we are living in now has RADICALLY changed for nearly all of us.

This new environment is why 240,000,000+ million Americans have excess fat on their frame. This new environment is why nearly 50,000,000 Americans have an autoimmune condition.

Any living animal in its ORIGINAL intended environment has good health. The problem with our species (especially the past few generations), is that we’ve been born into an environment that promotes disease.

The odds are stacked against us if we are not conscious of this. So understand me when I say that your health conditions are not your fault. If you were born into a different environment, you likely would not be experiencing the same symptoms.

But when our mainstream pharmaceutical-driven treatment system is designed to address surface level symptoms, all you’re going to receive are surface level answers.

If you truly want to have great health you need to put your biology back in the environment it expects to promote good health.

If you like this content be sure to share it out with someone who you feel needs to hear this message and leave me a comment below.

If you’re looking for more guidance, enroll in my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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