Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

This idea that we need to punish ourselves through exercise is never the right mindset to have.

⁣Movement gives us so many beneficial things in life - a better brain, a healthier immune system, better functioning mitochondria, better working hormones to keep us insulin sensitive, and so much LIFE.

⁣To forget all of this by punishing ourselves for the things we ate is a real tragedy...⁣

⁣While most programs and professionals lead their discussion with promises of fat loss and calorie burn, I flip the narrative on its head entirely....⁣

⁣Movement is no longer about burning calories, fat burn, or punishing yourself for what you ate. ⁣

⁣Movement inside my programs is solely about celebrating what you can do with your body.⁣

⁣Fat loss and reaching your health goals will merely be ONE side effect of the person you become in that process of celebration.

⁣For far too long many individuals have suffered their way through weight loss plateaus, never understanding the beauty movement brings - never fully appreciating all the things they are gaining from moving their bodies.⁣

⁣I’m tired of seeing other programs promote this way of exercise to their audience. It’s a horrible mindset to have. Which is why I wanted to create a program that makes the client feel educated and actually excited to workout because to them it’s no longer about suffering, deprivation, and punishment.⁣

⁣It’s solely about celebration and gaining all the amazing things movement gives us.

⁣Inside week 6 of my 9 week program called The Ultimate Wellness Academy™ , I have four 60 minute lessons where I dive in deep and talk about some amazing science showing how specific movements create a healthy brain, create a healthy immune system, create better functioning mitochondria, and help to lower stress.⁣

If you enjoy this content be sure to share it out with someone who you feel needs to hear this message and leave me a comment below.

If you want more guidance, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™!

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