Resistance Training

Groundbreaking Science Shows Movement is Medicine for Depression

Groundbreaking Science Shows Movement is Medicine for Depression

According to a massive review published in the journal Frontiers and Pharmacology that reviewed all randomized controlled trials published from 1999–2016, and most or all meta-analyses/systematic reviews published from 2009–2016, researchers concluded by saying, “exercise is an evidenced-based medicine for depression.” (1)

This Amount of Resistance Training Per Week can Improve Your Brain

This Amount of Resistance Training Per Week can Improve Your Brain

A randomized controlled trial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that strength training promotes cognitive and neuroplasticity (2). The researchers concluded their study by saying, “Twelve months of once-weekly or twice-weekly resistance training benefited the executive cognitive function of selective attention and conflict resolution among senior women”.

Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Movement gives us so many beneficial things in life - a better brain, a healthier immune system, better functioning mitochondria, better working hormones to keep us insulin sensitive, and so much LIFE. To forget all of this by punishing ourselves for the things we ate is a real tragedy...⁣