This Is Why You Don't Need Superfoods

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Good health is actually really simple.

Yet, our world is persistent on trying to make it seem complicated.⁣

The answer to achieving true human health, reversing chronic disease, and burning fat for sustained weight loss is not superfoods, biohacks, supplements, or medications.

These may help in acute instances, sure. But they should only be an option once your foundation is built properly.⁣

Think of these items listed above as the decorations in your home. And your nutrition, stress, sleep, and movement is the foundation. What good is it to hang up beautiful curtains and pictures if your house looks like something Tom Hanks built in Cast Away?⁣

People are building their foundation out of McDonald’s, Coke, 4 hours of sleep, high stress, and very little movement. You can decorate that like the Taj Mahal, but it’s still going to fall apart when times get hard.⁣

But then again, if you have your foundation as solid as a rock, not only will it be that much more bulletproof, but then you can choose to decorate it how you want and really bring it to life. Sprinkle a little supplement in here, and a biohack there.⁣

⁣Good health really is not complicated. But when we live in a backwards world where we are ALL removed from our original environment, it can be so easy to forget the basics and try and make up for it by spot treating symptoms when they arise.⁣

You have a migraine so you take a drug or natural supplement. You have digestive issues, so you seek out Tums or a fiber supplement. You have skin issues so you put on a topical cream. You have brain fog so you chug an energy drink or sip a cup of coffee (or both!).⁣

Our world has become fixated on addressing symptoms once they arise.⁣

As JFK famously said, “The best time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining”.⁣

Yet, millions of people are out there in the middle of the storm trying to plug their holes and just make it to the next day.⁣

Listen, I know it’s not sexy to try and change someone’s lifestyle (albeit I’m going to try and make it ). But I respect you enough to give you the truth. Because the truth is the only way true change can happen.

Tune in to this short clip below to learn more!

And if you feel inspired, share this out with someone who you feel would benefit from it most and leave me a comment below!

If you want more guidance, take on my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ now!

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