This Science Shows Most Avocado Oils Are Fake Or Oxidized

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

According to a 2020 study published in the journal Food Control, authors said “Our results showed that the majority of commercial samples were oxidized before reaching the expiration date listed on the bottle. In addition, adulteration with soybean oil at levels near 100% was confirmed in two ‘extra virgin’ and one ‘refined’ sample.”

This is completely unacceptable.

We have very clear data showing that linoleic acid (the predominant fatty acid found in vegetable oils) is one of the most hazardous compounds we can ingest.

Often we’re told that vegetable oils are far superior to that of animal fats due to their cholesterol-lowering ability. But what is not widely talked about is that it’s these same rancid oils that cause inflammation in our bodies. Not to mention it oxidizes any cholesterol we do have, which is the true drive of chronic disease.

What’s the point of lowering your cholesterol if you’re oxidizing it by consuming soybean, canola, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, and corn oil?

Professionals will often claim that these industrially processed grain and seed oils are healthy.

But how are they healthy on their own AND in chips, processed foods, candy bars, etc?

If they are so healthy in Smart Balance, why are companies diluting avocado oils with them?

We can get away with low quality proteins and sugar molecules. But the types of fatty acids we consume directly make their way into our lipid membranes.

It’s one reason why we can no longer handle sun exposure and burn so easily.

It’s why burning body fat is so hard for people because the type of fat they’re trying to burn is completely different.

According to an article titled ‘Increase in Adipose Tissue Linoleic Acid of US Adults in the Last Half Century’ that was published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, authors noted:

“Our results indicate that adipose tissue LA has increased by 136% over the last half century and that this increase is highly correlated with an increase in dietary LA intake over the same period of time.”

Our fat cells literally are not the same as they evolved to be.

So, if you are someone out there struggling to lose weight and burn fat, take a look at these few things:

  • Are you potentially consuming fake or adulterated oils that contain vegetable oils?

  • Are you consuming animals that have eaten vegetable oils? If so, this could be inhibiting your results.

Just become more aware that just because a product says and claims it is 100% avocado or olive oil doesn’t actually mean it is. Look for companies that do third party testing and are very transparent with their sourcing, processing, and overall business.

The best thing you can do is to consume avocados fresh to ensure you’re not being duped into consuming fake oils.

But for ease of mind, I only trust one brand on a consistent basis and that is Primal Kitchen. You’ll only see me consuming their oils a majority of the time if I have the option.

I trust and believe in them so much that I have partnered with them to help my followers out. Just use code ‘CRAIG10’ to get 10% off all your Primal Kitchen products!

If you know someone who needs to hear this message, be sure to send it to them and leave me a comment below.

If you want to hear the full discussion and receive more personalized guidance in your own health journey, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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