Dementia Develops Decades Before Diagnosis is Given

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It almost sounds irrational and nearly extreme, doesn’t it? How can dementia begin developing decades before the diagnosis is even given?

It’s almost like we’ve forgotten that chronic disease doesn’t just appear overnight.

Heart disease doesn’t happen in one day. Cancer doesn’t just happen in one day. Strokes don’t simply develop in one day. And neither does dementia.

All of these modern day epidemics take years, and in most cases decades, to develop.

It’s like we’ve completely overlooked this very simple minded concept. Most of us have been lead to believe that genetics are king and there’s nothing we could’ve done about it.

Take one of our loved ones, for instance. Often they are given the diagnosis in their later years of life. We have come to accept that it was a normal part of aging - that they were just “dealt a bad hand”.

It would take a lot of inner work to come to accept the fact that the way they were living their entire life was predisposing themselves for the health condition they have now.

We don’t want to accept the fact that it’s how they were living their life that caused their problems now. If we come to accept that then that would mean we had a chance to prevent it. And that’s too hard for most of us to handle.

So we simply choose to believe that there was nothing that could’ve been done. We listen to the doctors and “experts” saying it was just in their genetics.

But new science says otherwise…

According to a 2019 study published in the International journal of geriatric psychiatry people with a history of migraines were three times more likely to develop any type of dementia and more than four times as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease (1).

How you live your life matters. The symptoms you’re experiencing now in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are not normal.

And it’s these same symptoms that are little, daily signs that turn out to be the major problems we develop later in life.

Now, I’m not saying that if you have a migraine, headache, or brain fog you are absolutely going to develop a neurodegenerative condition. Nor am I saying that you have to be perfectly healthy every day of your life and never experience symptoms at all.

All I’m trying to get across is the fact that these symptoms are apparent for a specific reason. And it’s not normal for any living species to live a life full of symptoms without something causing it.

And it’s these little symptoms that need to be addressed before they develop into something much larger that is a lot harder to reverse once you’re so far removed.

To prove my point, researchers from Johns Hopkins reviewed medical records of 290 individuals 40 years and older with a family history of Alzheimers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland (2).

These individuals were all selected based off their risk, but none of them had clinically diagnosed dementia yet.

By the end of the study period, 81 participants had mild cognitive impairment or dementia.

Looking back on their records, researchers found significant differences from the study participants who still had healthy mental function.

This included subtle changes in test scores measuring their mental abilities taken up to 15 years before.

When researchers looked at cerebrospinal fluid levels, they said they found that the tau proteins had significantly increased in a process that started almost 35 years before symptoms developed.

Slight changes were also observed in the brain area responsible for memory almost 10 years before cognitive problems became apparent.

If this doesn’t make you stop in your tracks, then I have no idea what will. You have the ability to make changes in your life right now, no matter who you are or how far along your health problems are.

You can choose to make little changes right now. Tune in and listen to the video below to learn more about how to help cognitive performance and overall brain health, and sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ now.

And be sure to send this out to someone who you feel needs to hear this message and leave me a comment below!

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