The Sky-Rocketing Rise in Dementia & How You Can Prevent It

Inside this brief trailer you will learn:

The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) systematic analysis was published in 2016 in The Lancet - Neurology. They found that the number of dementia sufferers worldwide grew by 117 percent in 26 years from the years 1990 to 2016 (1).

The researchers went on to conclude their findings by saying, “fractions of these metrics that were attributable to four risk factors that met GBD criteria for assessment (high body-mass index [BMI], high fasting plasma glucose, smoking, and a diet high in sugar-sweetened beverages).”

The results of the statistical analysis have shown that the number of people suffering from Alzheimer's and other dementia increased from 20.2 million in 1990 to 43.8 million in 2016. Of these, 27 million were women and 16.8 million were men. Researchers have attributed the increase in the spread of the disease to both the aging and growth of the global population.

The number of deaths from dementia has increased by 148% over the same 26-year period. Dementia is now the fifth most common cause of death worldwide and the second most common -- after coronary heart disease -- among people aged 70 or older.

But my question is this…

What is causing this?

As you will hear me discuss in the short video below, it’s not something inside us that changed. It’s what changed in our environment that is largely the cause of the rise in dementia in our world right now.

Any living being on this planet needs a certain environment to exist in its most natural form (any living thing’s natural form is good health, by default).

When you change around the environment drastically like we have done to the human population, of course you will see consequences. The consequences of our sudden change in the environment we now live in manifest themselves in a myriad of ways - dementia being just one of them.

How have we changed our environment, you might be wondering?

We eat foods that were just invented. Putting calories aside, we are literally eating foods that have seen the inside of a factory more than they have nature.

We stress differently. We no longer have acute stressors of food scarcity and predators, but rather, now we have prolonged chronic stress that inflicts us every minute of every day.

We sleep differently. Instead of sleeping in near total darkness with fresh air, we now sleep with a stack of bills on our nightstand, TVs and street lights glaring in our rooms, and nutrient deficiencies inhibiting our precious sleep cycles.

We lack basic movement. Instead of moving out of necessity, now we sit at desk jobs and outsource the heavy lifting to specialists whose job it is to build homes and do the physical labor our biology expects. Gyms are just an invention to recreate the movement we should be doing naturally.

We are exposed to tens of thousands of manmade toxins yearly. Most of these have never existed before up until the past 100 years. And when combined with horrible detox pathways from lack of movement, poor quality sleep, and nutrient deficiencies, we are literally one giant walking cesspool.

After years and decades of living our lives in such a way, it’s easy to see how we can break down and disease can control our body and mind.

If you want to change your health, start by changing your environment.

Tune in to this short video to learn more and be sure to share this out with someone you feel needs it most. If you’re looking for more 1:1 guidance, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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