Follow This Nutrition Framework For Autoimmune Disease

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

There is no one specific diet that is right for every human. However, there is ONE specific framework that is right for all humans.

The human diet.

Within this framework of the human diet, there is a lot of ‘bio-individuality’.

Bio = biology; we are all human and have evolved to eat foods from nature.

Individuality = Finding which foods from nature work best for your unique biology.

For example, as humans every single one of us can eat and digest bananas. But is that banana right for you at this point in time in your life? That’s what we must come to find out. And this process of coming to find out what foods work for your specific biology is bio-individuality.

The cool thing about bio-individuality is that it’s constantly changing. Maybe that banana isn’t necessarily the best option for you right now, but in a few years it could be great!

You might be someone with certain sensitivities, intolerances, or allergens and feel better when avoiding certain foods.

It’s this concept of bio-individuality that limits many modern day diet modalities. Vegan, vegetarian, paleo, carnivore, etc. They all have their place and value, but often we can become so dogmatic and let our ideology override our biology.

Maybe you need something outside of those labels at this point in time in your life. But you might never be able to have it by sticking with that certain diet.

This is why I believe bio-individuality is the ultimate human diet. Some people thrive off of an animal-based diet. Some thrive off of a vegan diet.

But no human thrives off of the modern day Standard American Diet, full of processed junk, added sugars, vegetable oils, inorganic vegetables, and sick animals.

No matter what diet modality you are prescribed to, always be willing to take on new information and accept new beliefs.

Historically it would make sense for ancestors that evolved in Alaska (like the Inuit) to thrive off of a keto/carnivore style diet. Which we have great evidence of (1).

For those populations that evolved in sub-tropical climates, a keto/carnivore diet doesn’t make a lot of evolutionary sense. In-season fruits and berries, plants, and animals were available in their region.

So you need to find out who your ancestors were and what they evolved to eat. Only ever so recently have we had the luxury to fly across the world and choose where we want to live.

Before the past 100 years, if you were born in Canada, that is where you stayed. If you were born in Costa Rica, Costa Rica is where you lived your entire life.

Now we have the luxury of knowing what countries exist and can access them with the click of a button and a quick flight.

When it comes to eating your human diet with autoimmune disease in particular, I am a fan of a temporary elimination-style diet. When the timing is right, you can reintroduce foods to see how they impact your biology. It will require being in tune with your body and a little guidance from a coach, but it is 100% possible to feel good again!

Tune in and check out the short video to learn more and be sure to sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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