Can Being Too Clean Lead To Autoimmunity?

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

We are blessed to live in a culture and society where we have access to clean water, sanitary conditions, access to soaps, cleaning products, and immediate access to a sterile healthcare environment.

Yet, in countries and areas where populations have limited access to these luxuries, they suffer far less autoimmune diseases than we do. A major reason for this is due to the imbalance of bacteria.

There is a homeostasis, a balance, when it comes to hygiene. Maybe it’s not appropriate to be constantly cleaning ourselves, showering each day, using hand sanitizers all the time, and applying toxic cleaning chemicals on our surfaces.

At certain times and places this is very beneficial, but you can swing the pendulum too far in either direction. So we need to learn how to get dirty in a healthy way in order to improve our autoimmune symptoms. Tune in to the brief video below to learn more and be sure to sign up for the Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™!

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