Exercise Substantially Reduces Your Risk of Developing Dementia

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Exercise (but more specifically just movement in general) is beneficial for so much more than just simply burning calories for fat loss.

Movement helps us to gain life.

Not only does movement give us a better functioning immune system, a better ability to digest food, and a properly formed musculoskeletal system, but movement creates a healthy brain - long into old age.

According to a 2019 study published in the prestigious journal Neurology, the more an individual moved, the lower their overall risk for dementia (1). You can listen to the full study design in the video below.

How incredible is that?

Movement truly does help us to gain life. However, most people are so focused on what movement helps us to lose in life. Fat.

Understandably, people assume that if they lose body fat they will enjoy more life. And while exercise is solely one piece of the fat burn equation, this mindset is largely centered around the “if/then” mentality.

IF I just had less body fat, THEN I will be happy.”

Getting a little philosophical on you now, happiness is just something that, well…it just is. The past is gone never to be seen again. And the future doesn’t exist. What, then, creates true happiness?

Our thoughts about the present moment. It’s our perception about how we see the world. This creates happiness.

I can walk outside in the North Carolina summer and feel an overwhelming sense of heat and humidity enough to make me lose perspective. So much so that I lose happiness and begin to get caught up in my emotions.

My dog, Koda, on the other hand, is simply happy in the present moment. He doesn’t necessarily care about the heat, he’s just happy to be alive.

Bringing this mindset back to the topic of movement, it’s unfortunate that our mainstream belief is that excessive exercise is the best way to burn fat because, by default, it directly takes away from all the beautiful benefits it gives us.

We now see exercise as something we need to do after we have eaten - to burn the calories off.

Yet, for all of humanity movement was something humans did out of necessity to source our food. Humans walked to forage and hunt our food, hoping to be rewarded in that moment.

Humans ran after prey and away from predators.

They moved to build their shelters and play with their friends and family.

The same is true for any other living species on this planet.

We are the only ones who move to try and undo the action of excessive eating (or undo the action of eating low-quality, nutrient poor foods).

Critics will say that “it doesn’t matter when you get in your exercise, just as long as you get in your steps each day”.

And while maybe this will work for some dependent upon their unique goals at this moment in time, it largely ignores the basic principle that made us human in the first place.

Our species was born out of movement in very specific ways, at very specific times. The human gate has quite literally been shaped due to ways humans have moved throughout time. This movement was born out of necessity - those necessities were to find food, evade predators, and find appropriate weather conditions.

It seems as though we have overcorrected for these problems we once faced.

Most of us have too much access to any food, and that has caused widespread, self-inflicted chronic disease.

We have come to dominate as a species so much that we have produced mass extinctions of nearly 700 different animals.

We have built cities so large that Mother Nature’s natural homeostasis can level skyscrapers in the matter of minutes with a flood, hurricane, or earthquake.

We have become so technologically advanced that we have domesticated our species to the point where movement is no longer considered essential to forage our food, or even survive life, for that matter.

We have Uber Eats and DoorDash to do the movement for us. We work desk jobs and make a living sitting behind a screen.

We are truly blessed in ways many of us cannot even fathom, but it seems as though the price of progress has come with a cost.

To correct for the unintended consequences of technological advancements, we have invented more things to undo the damage.

We invented a society that is largely immobile, so what do we do? We invent gyms to recreate the movement we have naturally done for all of human existence.

We invent cars and planes to take us places we could’ve only dreamed of going just a few hundred years ago. The consequence of this? Increased green house gas emissions and global warming, among other issues.

We invented mass media where we can see what millions of other humans are doing thousands of miles away with the click of a button. This has created not only comparison syndrome, but it has lead to boom in mental disorders, suicides, and depression rates never before seen.

The human biology was never designed to interact with this many humans before, especially ones they have no right knowing just even a few states away. A blessing, absolutely. Yet it is also a luxury that directly competes with our genetic makeup.

So when will enough be enough?

I say all this to say that there’s a price for progress and part of the price we are paying for moving our bodies less is the health of our brain.

For more on this topic, tune in and check out the short video below and to hear the full conversation sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™.

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