HIIT Training Dramatically Improves Brain Function & Neuroplasticity

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

High Intensity Interval Training is great for many things, but maybe none more important than the health of your brain.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, researchers found that “high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or moderate intensity continuous training, resulted in the greatest benefits for neuroplasticity (as opposed to high- or low-intensity continuous training) in healthy young adults” (1).

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury (2).

You might be wondering, why would I want more (or better) neuroplasticity in my brain? Throughout life we encounter many stressors and need to adapt to them as we face them.

Whether they be bills, injuries, setbacks, financial difficulties, or the loss of loved ones, we all experience stress and trauma to a certain extent.

The better our neuroplasticity essentially the easier it is to handle these types of stressors.

It would make sense if you think about it…

We know that placing ourselves under stress makes us resilient and come back stronger. We adapt and can grow over time.

This is the same concept with HIIT (burst) training. Doing this type of training you’re acutely placing yourself under intense stress day-after-day, week-after-week. It would only make sense that you grow and adapt as the months and years roll on.

Now we have science affirming this concept.

There’s a lot to be gained from doing many different types of movements. So that’s not to say you have to stop dancing, lifting weights, or walking just to start doing HIIT training.

They all come with benefits HIIT training may not have, necessarily. So what I recommend is to do a wide range of movements that are fun for you. Even if you aren’t doing forms of HIIT training currently, you can easily begin doing them no matter your fitness level and you can reap the benefits in as little as 20 minutes per week!

You can start with your own body weight and progress from there. Body weight squats, pushups, pull ups, and sprints are all greats ways that can be utilized to get the benefits of neuroplasticity.

If you’re more advanced, you can throw around weights in a safe way, and even play organized sports.

To find out more, be sure to tune in to the video below and to hear the full discussion with a proven protocol in place to help you on your journey, sign up for my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ today!

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