Autoimmune Disease

Can Being Too Clean Lead To Autoimmunity?

Can Being Too Clean Lead To Autoimmunity?

There is a homeostasis, a balance, when it comes to hygiene. Maybe it’s not appropriate to be constantly cleaning ourselves, showering each day, using hand sanitizers all the time, and applying toxic cleaning chemicals on our surfaces.

Unhealed Trauma Can Worsen Autoimmune Disease

Unhealed Trauma Can Worsen Autoimmune Disease

Knowing hundreds of millions of individuals have some form of autoimmunity, 80% of them have gone through a traumatic life event that could have been the spark to their symptoms, or could be inhibiting them from healing altogether.

High-Quality Science Doesn't Show Red Meat Causes Health Problems

High-Quality Science Doesn't Show Red Meat Causes Health Problems

All of the science that supports that animal products are bad for human health are entirely epidemiological studies that show an association with animal products and worse health outcomes. Yet, there is not one single randomized controlled trial (experimental study) showing a direct causation that eating animal products causes disease in humans.

Is Your Environment Promoting Health or Disease?

Is Your Environment Promoting Health or Disease?

The new foods we are eating, the types of stress we are experiencing, the lack of high-quality sleep, the overworked lives, the toxin load, the low-quality air, and lack of in person connection all are to blame for our epidemic rates of chronic disease.